Month: February 2011


I have a friend that grows a fig tree in her garden. It grew so big and once in while she has to prune it. She let me tried the fruit before and it was sweet. So I asked for some stems and maybe I can try to grow them myself. I did and now…


This is arugula seedlings after a few days of sowing them in the garden bed. They grow faster than lettuce. I like them in salads with different kinds of lettuce to add zing and interest to the palate. It has that distinct peppery flavor almost like radish or wasabi that makes the salad greens more…

Cucumber Prt 3

This are the cucumber seedlings after my last week’s blog. They developed their true leaves and on their way. I like cucumbers in salad. I also like it with seasoned vinegar and red onion as a side dish for fish or any meat entrees. I wll be waiting impatiently for the fruits to come in…

Tahitian Gardenia

Tahitian Gardenias are one of those flowers considered to be exotic. The smell of the flowers is heavenly. The plant grows tall up to at least ten feet and when it blooms the perfume permeates in the whole neighborhood. It’s a very prolific bloomer and the recent rains make it want to bloom some more….

Long Beans

I just started some long beans seeds (sitaw). Not all of them showed up yet but this is what it looks like when they emerge from the soil. It’s not quite ready for transplanting yet. I have to wait for what they call “true” leaves before moving them to the garden bed. I already set…